Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Canberra, Australia
33 Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley
Phillip DC, ACT 2606
P.O.Box. 6096
Tel.: (+61 2) 6286 97 11
Tel./Fax: (+61 2) 6286 96 00
Е-mail: embassy@bulgaria.org.au
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vienna, Austria
Österreich, 1040 Wien
Schwindgasse 8
Tel.: (0043-1) 505-31-13 ; 505-06-37; 505-25-57; 505-64-44
Tel/Fax: (00431) 505-14-23
E-mail: amboffice@embassybulgaria.at
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Baku, Azerbaijan
AZ 1069 Azerbaijan, Baky
34, Oktay Kerimov str.
Tel..: 0099 412 441-43-81
Tel..: 0099 412 441-41-38
Fax:: 0099 412 440-81-82
Е-mail: balkan@bg.embassy.in-baku.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Tirana, Albania
Ambasada e Republikës së Bullgarisë në Tiranë, Rr. Skënderbeu 12
Tel.: 00355 4 233-155
Tel.: 00355 4 232-906
Fax: 00355 4 232-272
E-mail: bgemb-al@interalb.net
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Luanda, Angola
42-44 Fernao Mendes Pinto Street
P.O.Box 2260
Tel: (+244 2) 32 40 94
Fax: (+244 2) 32 42 13
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Embajada de la Republica de Bulgaria Sucre 1568,
C 1428 DUT – Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Tel: (0054 11) 4781-86-44
Tel: (0054 11) 4786-62-73
Fax: /0054 11/ 4781 12-14
Е-mail: embular@uolsinectis.com.ar
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Erevan, Armenia
16 Sofia str., Nor Aresh
Tel..: 00374 10 458 233
Fax:: 00374 10 454 602
E-mail: bulembassy@arminco.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Kabul, Afghanistan
Kabul, Vazir Akbar Han, str № 15/ Shirpur str
tel.: (+93) 20 210 31 48
tel.: (+93) 20 210 32 57
fax: (+93) 20 210 10 89
E-mail: bgembkabul@yahoo.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Minsk, Belarus
Address: 220030 г. Minsk,sq. “Svoboda” 11, fl. 1
tel.: +375 17 328 65 58
fax: +375 17 328 65 59
E-mail: embassy@bulgaria.by
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Brussels, Belgium
58, Avenue Hamoir, 1180 Uccle Bruxelles, Royaume de Belgique
tel: (0032 2) 374 59 63 , 375 70 81
E-mail: еmbassy@bulgaria.be
URL: www.bulgaria.be
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
71000 Sarajevo
Souk Bunar 5 Str.
tel.: +387 33 668 191
fax: +387 33 668 189
Е-mail: possar@bih.net.ba
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Brasilia, Brasil
Brasília Df 70 432, Brazil
Embaixada da República da Bulgária
SEN Av. das Nações, Qd. 801, Lt. 08, CEP 70432-900
tel.: (61) 3223-6193, 3223-9849
fax: (61) 3323-3285
Е-mail: bulgaria@linkexpress.com.br
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Norodom Blvd. N- 227 / 229
Tel..: + 855 23 217 504
Fax:: + 855 23 212 792
E-mail: bulgembpnp@online.com.kh
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Ottawa, Canada
325, Stewart Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6K5, Canada
Tel..: 001-613-789 3215
Tel..: 001-613-789 7174
Fax:: 001-613-789 3524
E-mail: bgemb@storm.ca
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Nicosia, Cyprus
Engomi distr. Konstantinu Paleologu str № 13.
Tel..: (+357) 22672486
Fax:: (+357) 22676598
E-mail:. bulgaria@cytanet.com.cy
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Beijing, China
Xiu Shui Bei Jie 4, Beijing – 10060
Tel..: (0086 10) 6532 1916
Fax:: (0086 10) 6532 4502
E-mail: bulemb@public.bta.net.cn
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Havana, Cuba
Calle “B” №252, Entre 11 y 13, Vedado, La Habana 4
Tel..: (+53 7) 8333125
Tel..: (+53 7) 8333126
Fax:: (+53 7) 8333297
E-mail: embulhav@ceniai.inf.cu
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Zagreb, Croatia
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria
Gornje prekrizje, 28
Tel: (0038 51) 46-46-609
Fax: (0038 51) 46-46-625
E-mail: veleposlanstvo.republike.
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Prague, Check Republic
Praha 1, ul. Krakovska 6
Tel..: 00420 2222-10-230
Fax:: 00420 2222 11-728
е-mail: bulvelv@mbox.vol.cz
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Santiago, Chilе
Rudolfo Bendherodt str № 4895, Vitakura
Tel..: (+0056) 2 360 9889
Fax:: (+0056) 2 360 9940
E-mail: embul@123.cl
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Copenhagen, Denmark
Gamlehave alle 7, 2920 Charlottenlund
Tел. + 45/39/64 24 84 , 63 38 72
Fax:: + 45/39/634 923
Е-mail: bg-embassy@mail.tdcadsl.dk
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Cairo, Egypt
6 El Malek El Afdal Street, Zamalek
tel..: 0020 2 27-363-025
fax:: 0020 2 27-363-826
E-mail: bulembcai@link.net
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Bole Kifle Ketema S/City
Kebele 06
Haile G/Selassie Road
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: (00251 11) 661 00 32
Fax: (00251 11) 661 33 73
E-mail: bulemba@ethionet.et
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Helsinki, Finland
Kuusisaarentie 2 B, 00340 Helsinki
Tel. + 358 9 458 40 55 , 458 40 35
Fax + 358 9 458 45 50
E-mail: bulembfi@yahoo.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Paris, France
1, Аvenue Rapp
Paris 75007
Tél: (0033 1) 45-51-85-90
Fax: (0033 1) 455-11-868
E-mail: bulgamb@wanadoo.fr
URL: www.amb-bulgarie.fr
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, London, Great Britain
186-188 Queen’s Gate London SW7 5HL
Tel..: 0044 2075849400
Fax:: 0044 2075844948
Consulate – 0044 2075849379
E-mail: consul@bulgarianembassy.org.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Berlin, Germany
Mauer Str.11, 10117 Berlin
Tel..: 0049302010922/23/24/25/26
Fax: 0049302 08 68 38
URL: www.botschaft-bulgarien.de
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Tbilisi, Georgia
61, D.Agmashenebeli Ave.
Tel..: (+995 32) 91 01 94
Tel..: (+995 32) 91 01 95
Fax:: (+995 32) 91 02 70
E-mail: bgembassy.georgia@gol.ge
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Athens, Greece
Paleo Psihiko, ул. “Stratigu Kalari” str. № 33-А, Athens, 154 52
Tel..: 0030 210 67 48 105/108
Fax:: 0030 210 67 48 130
E-mail: embassbg@otenet.gr
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Budapest, Hungary
Hungary, 1062 Budapest, Andrassy u. 115
Tel.: 0036 1 322 08 24
Tel.: 0036 1 322 08 36
Fax: 0036 1 322 52 15
E-mail: bgembhu@axelero.hu
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Tel Aviv, Israel
21 Leonardo Da-Vinchi Str.
Tel Aviv 64733, Israel
Tel..: (00972 3) 696 13 61
Fax:: (00972 3) 696 14 30
E-mail: bgemtlv@netvision.net.il
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Delhi, India
16/17 Chandragupta Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi – 110021
Tel..: 00911126115549
Tel..: 00911124108048
Fax:: 00911126876190
E-mail: bulemb@bulgariaembindia.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Jakarta, Indonesia
34-36, Jalan Imam Bonjol
Tel.: (+62 21) 390 40 48
Tel./Fax: (+62 21) 315 14 33
E-mail: bgemb.jkt@centrin.net.id
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Teheran, Iran
IR Iran, Tehran, “Vali-e Asr” Ave., “Tavanir” Str., “Nezami-ye Ganjavi” Str. No. 16-18
Tel..: (009821) 8877-5662
Tel..: (009821) 8877-5037
Fax:: (009821) 8877-9680
Е-mail: bulgr.tehr@neda.net
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Dublin, Ireland
22 Burlington Road
Tel: (+353 1) 660 32 93
Fax: (+353 1) 660 39 15
E-mail: bulgarianembassydublin@eircom.net
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Rome, Italy
00197 Rome, Italy
Pietro Polo Rubens str, 21
Tel..: 0039 06 322 46 40
Tel..: 0039 06 322 4643
Fax:: 0039 06 322 61 22
e-mail: embassy@bulemb.it
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Amman, Jordan
7 Al Musel Str., P.O.Box 950578, 11195 Amman
Tel..: 00962 6 5539392
Fax:: 00962 6 5539393
E-mail: aman@dzsv.sat.bg
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Tokyo, Japan
5-36-3, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 151-0053
Tel: (0081 3) 3465-10-21
Fax: (0081 3) 3465-1031
e-mail: bulemb@gol.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Almaty, Kazakhstan
.” 8 Gvardeiskoy Divizii” str, 128
Tel..: 007 (3272) 64 67 10
Tel..: 007 (3272) 62 99 37
Fax:: 007 (3272) 62 99 56
E-mail: bulgarianembassy@rambler.ru
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Pyongyang, North Korea
DPRK, Pyongyang, Munsudong
Tel: (00850-2) 381-73-43
Fax: (00850-2) 381-73-42
E-mail: dpamukov@yahoo.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Seoul, South Korea
723-42, Hannam 2-dong, Yongsan-ku, Seoul, 140-894, Republic of Korea
Tel: (0082-2) 794-86-25
Tel: (0082-2) 794-86-26
Fax: (00822) 794-86-27
e-mail: seoul_bg@yahoo.co.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Kuwait, Kuwait
P.O.Box 12090 – Shamia 71651
Kuwait, Jabriya, Area 11, Str.1, (H. 272)
Tel.: (00965) 531 44 58/59
Fax: (00965) 532 14 53
E-mail: bgembkw@fasttelco.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Tripoli, Libya
5-7, Salma Ben Al-Ukua St., Ben Ashur Area
Tel..: (00 218) 21 360 56 25
Tel..: (00 218) 21 360 99 88
Fax:: (00 218) 21 360 99 90
Е-mail: tripoli@embassy.transat.bg
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Beirut, Lebanon
Адрес: Beirut, Hazmieh, Mar Takla, sector 6, str.44
Tel..: 00961 5452883
00961 5453658
Fax:: 00961 5452892
e-mail: bg_emblb@yahoo.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Skopje, Macedonia
3, Zlatko Shnajder Str., 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Tel.: +389 (2) 3 229 444
Fax: +389 (2) 3 246 493
E-mail: secretary@bgemb.org.mk
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Rabat, Marocco
Rabat, 4, Av.Ahmed Lyazidi (Ex Meknes), B.P.1301
Tel..: 00212 37 76 54 77
Tel..: 00212 37 76 40 82
Fax:: 00212 37 76 32 01
E-mail: bulemrab@vahoo.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mexico City, Mexiko
Embajada de la República de Bulgaria
Paseo de la Reforma 1990
Col. Lomas de Chapultepec
CP 11000, México, D.F.
Tel..: +0052 55 5596 3283
Tel..: +0052 55 5596 3295
Fax:: +0052 55 5596 1012
E-mail: ebulgaria@yahoo.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Kishinev, Moldova
Bukurest str № 92
Tel..: 00 373 22 23 79 83
Tel..: 00 373 22 23 89 10
Fax:: 00 373 22 23 79 78
E-mail: Ambasada-Bulgara@meganet.md
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Ulan Bator, Mongolia
Olympic Str.Nо 8, Ulan Bator 13, P.O.Box 702
Tel..: 00976 11 322 259
Fax:: 00976 11 322 841
E-mail: posolstvobg.ub@abv.bg
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Podgorica,
Podgorica 81 000
Vukitse Mitrovicha str № 10
Tel..: 0038181 655 009
Tel../fax:: 0038181 655 008
E-mail: bg.embassy.me@abv.bg
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Hague, The Netherlands
The Netherlands, 2597 Hague,
Duinroosweg 9, 2597 KJ
tel: (0031 70) 350 30 51
fax: (0031 70) 358 46 88
е-mail: info@embassy-bulgaria.n
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Abuja, Nigeria
Nigeria, Abuja
No 10, Euphrates street, off Aminu Kano Crescent
Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria
Tel..: 00234 9 413 00 34
Fax:: 00234 9 413 27 41
Консулска служба: 00234 9 413-00-35
е-mail : bulembassy@yahoo.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Oslo, Norway
Tidemandsgate 11, 0244 Oslo
Tel. + 47/22 55 40 40
Fax: + 47/22 55 40 24
Е-mail: bulgemb@online.no
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Islamabad, Pakistan
Plot 6-11 Diplomatic Enclave Ramna-5
Tel..: (0092 51) 227 91 96
Tel..: (0092 51) 227 91 97
Fax:: (0092 51) 227 91 95
E-mail: bul@isd.wol.net.pk
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Warsaw, Poland
00-540 Warszawa
Al. Ujazdowskie 33/35
Ambasada Republiki Bułgarii
Tel.: (0048-22) 629-40-71
Fax: (0048-22)628-22-71
E-mail: office@bgemb.com.pl
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Lisbon, Portugal
Embaixada da Bulgária
rua do Sacramento à Lapa, 31
1200-792 Lisboa, Portugal
Теl: (+351) 213 976 364
Теl: (+351) 213 976 367
Fах: (+351) 213 979 272
e-mail: ebul@mail.telepac.pt
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Bucharest, Romania
Romania, Bucharest
Ambassade de la Republique de Bulgarie
Strada Rabat No. 5, sec. 1
Tel: (0040 21) 230-21-50 , 230-21-59
Fax: (0040 21) 230-76-54
E-mail: bulembassy@pcnet.ro
Url: bgembassy-romania.org
Посолство на Република България, Moscow, Russia
Mosfilmovskaya str. 66
Tel.: (007 495) 143-90-22
Fax:: (007 495) 232-33-02
e-mail: bulemrus@bоlgaria.ru
URL: www.bolgaria.ru
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Madrid , Spain
Travesía de Santa María Magdalena № 15
Madrid 28016, España
Tel..: +34 913 455 761
Tel..: +34 913 456 651
Tel..: +34 913 597 611
Fax:: +34 913 591 201
E-mail: embulmad@yahoo.es
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Damask, Syria
Syria, Damascus, Arnus Str. Bld. No 2213, Р.О.Вox. 2732
Tеl: (00963 11) 445-40-39
Tеl: (00963 11) 331-84-85
Fax: (00963 11) 441-98-54
E-mail: bul_emb@abv.bg
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Bratislava, Slovakia
Kuzmanyho 1; 811 06 Bratislava;
Slovak Republic;
Tel..: 00421-2 / 544 15308;
Fax:: 00421-2 / 544 12404;
E-mail: bulharskoet@stonline.sk
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1000 Ljubljana
Rozna dolina, c. XV/18
Тel: (00386 1) 426-57-44
Fax: (00386 1) 425-88-45
E-mail: bgembassysl@siol.net
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Khartoum, Sudan
Адрес: House 9, Block 10, Street 31, Al Amarat
11111 Khartoum P.O.Box 1690
Tel..: 00249 183 560 106
00249 183 486 376
Fax:: 00249 15 512 85 00
Е-mail: bgembsdn@yahoo.co.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Belgrade, Serbia
11000 Belgrade , Birchaninova str № 26
Tel..: 0038 111 361 39 80
0038 111 361 39 90
Fax: 0038 111 361 11 36
0038 111 362 01 16
e-mail: bulgamb@Eunet.yu
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Bern, Switzerland
Switzerland, 3005 Bern, Bernastrasse 2-4
Tel..: (0041) 31 351 14 55 , 56
Fax:: (0041) 31 351 00 64
E-mail : bulembassy@bluewin.ch
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Stockholm, Sweden
Karlavägen 29, 114 34 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel.: 0046 8 723 09 38
Tel.: 0046 8 20 25 27
Fax: 0046 8 21 45 03
E-mail: bg.ambassador@telia.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Pretoria, RSA
P.O. Box 26296, Arcadia 0007
1071 Church str., 0083 Hatfield, Pretoria, RSA
Tel.: (0027 12) 342-37-20
Tel.: (0027 12) 342-79-41
Fax: (0027 12) 342-37-21
E-mail: embulgsa@iafrica.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Bangkok, Thailand
83/24 Soi Wireless 1
Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Tel. (+66)-2627-3872 ; 627-3873
Fax. (+66)-2627-3874
e-mail: bulgemth@csloxinfo.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Tunis, Tunisia
5 Rue Ryhane, Cité Mahrajène, 1082 – Tunis, B.P.6 Tunisie
Tel..: ( 00216) 71-798-962
Tel..: ( 00216) 71-800-980
Fax:: (00216 ) 71 791 667
E-mail: tunis@embassy.transat.bg
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Ankara, Turkey
Ataturk blvd № 124
Tel..: 0090-312/467 20 71
Fax:: 0090-312/467 25 74
Е -mail: bulankemb@ttmail.com
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Washington, USA
1621, 22-nd Street, NW Washington D.C. 20008
e-mail: office@bulgaria-embassy.org
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Rakatboshi str N 52
Tel..: (00998/71) 153-48-88
Fax:: (00998/71) 152-39-52
E-mail: misiyabg@bcc.com.uz
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Kiev, Ukraine
Gospitalnaya str №1
Tel..: 0038044 246-72-37
Tel..: 0038044 246-76-72
Fax:: 0038044 235-51-19
E-mail: embuln@i.kiev.ua
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vatican, Vatikan
Via di Porta Angelica Vatican
63 – 00193 Roma, Italia
Tel: (0039 06) 687 57 17
Fax: (0039 06) 686 52 33
E-mail: ambulvat@yahoo.it
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Karakas, Venezuela
1060 Caracas, Calle Las Lomas, Quinta Sofia, Las Mercedes
Tel..: +58 212 993-27-14
Tel..: +58 212 993-48-52
Fax:: +58 212 993-48-39
E-mail: embulven@cantv.net
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Hanoi, Vietnam
5 Nui Truc Str.
Van Phuc, P.O.Box 10
Tel..: 845-20-95
E-mail: bgremb@fpt.vn
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Sana, Yemen
Area “Asr”, 4th str., Residence No.5, P.O.Box 1518
Tel.: (00967 1) 20-84-69
Fax: (00967 1) 20-79-24
E-mail: bgemb_yem@y.net.ye
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Harare, Zimbabwe
15, Maasdorp Avenue, Alexandra Park, P.O.Box 1809
Tel..: 00 263 4 730 509
Fax:: 00 263 4 732 504
E-mail: bgembhre@ecoweb.co.zw