Irakli is a beautiful, wild area, located several kilometers away from the town of Obzor, close to the village of Emona.
Its beach is nearly three km long. The nearby forest, combined with the sea outlet, make the place suitable for camping and spending some time away from the city in a tent.
Groups of young people gather in the area each summer. They have already formed their small community of nature lovers and nudists. According to tradition, rockers from all parts of Bulgaria gather there on July 1 to welcome the sun on July Morning.
The beach ends close to the rocky cape of Emine. Visitors can spot dolphins there. The large clams sometimes carry tiny pearls. You only need some luck to find the right one.
A path takes willing walkers to the tiny village of Emona in half an hour. The walk through the shady forest gives you the chance to experience nature and even see some wild forest inhabitants like rabbits and deer.
Sine 1994 Irakli is a protected area. A construction ban has been imposed, affecting all plans to turn the place into a resort. Yet, property owners, investors and ecologists are still in the process of negotiating the terms of the ban. According to ecologists, construction in the area will harm eco balance and will lead to the extinction of various rare plant and animal species.